Sunday 9 August 2009

Day Somethingorother...

I figured I should finally get round to updating my blog!

I won't bore you too much and ramble on, but basically since my last post, I've been in contact with Mr. Sheppard, and have joined him whilst he was out ringing some new chicks. It was incredible, I got to hold 3 adult barn owls and 2 chicks :)

While I was out I learnt so much about the owls, such as how to identify their age through the patterns on their feathers, how they manage to fly in complete silence, and how to identify males and females through different markings on their bodies.

Since that day I have learnt the location of quite a few different roost sites/hunting areas, and there is a particular nest box that I am keeping an eye on. I wasn't there for when the chicks hatched, but Mr. Sheppard kindly sent me pictures. I now know that these chicks are about 3/4 weeks old, getting more demanding for food, so I have started keeping an eye on the nest box, watching the adults fly off and return with food :)

I am hoping that in a few weeks time I shall see the chicks sat out on top of the nest box, and watch them start to fledge!

Anyway, that's given you a rough idea of what I've been up are the photos!

this little missy wasn't happy!

the size of barn owl eggs

they weren't expecting this!

'look at me!'

this guy is a rare sight apparently! many barn owls lighten the longer they are exposed to the sun, normally they take a few years to become as light as this guy, however this one is less than a year old.

this is a male, they are lighter and the underneath is normally pure white.

this is a female, notice the spots on the belly and wing :)

left ear

right ear

haha, this picture always makes me laugh :)

2 chicks

this is their threat display

they don't get up when placed on their backs. he looks like he's having a diaper change!

2 more chicks

being ringed

and again

and again :)

measuring the wing

a newly fledged owl, in absolutely perfect condition, no out of place feathers or anything :)

1 comment:

  1. The wait was worth while. Great shots there Nikki.
